Catalyst conditioning

In close cooperation with Hoover Ferguson and VQM Packaging we have developed a new service for the conditioned handling and transport of both fresh and spent catalyst.

The service includes the part removal of the air inside the bin by creating a vacuum inside the  bin and replace the air with either CO2 or Nitrogen, whatever the customer for plant requires. 

This for following purposes. For fresh catalyst which is transferred from barrels to bins prior to a loading of a reactor we create a moisture free atmosphere which prevents a deterioration of the quality of the catalyst as well as a low-oxygen atmosphere which limits the start of the oxidation process of the catalyst.

For spent catalyst, especially when the material has self heating properties, the low-oxygen atmosphere prevents the material from heating up. Not only the transport of the material is under safer conditions but the spent catalyst will arrive at better conditions at the treatmentfacility.

We think this service with measured results will contribute to a safer handling and transport compared to the usual, less sophisticated adding of a scoop of dry-ice.

Contact details

Jaap Verolme
Mobile:+31 (0)6 53 34 86 85 

Richard Verolme
Manager operations and transport
Mobile: +31 (0)6 23 42 48 30